TOEFL IBTテストで60点を目指す!スターターガイド10選
私は大学時代に何度かTOEFL ibt・itpを受けて、アメリカのスタンフォード大学へ短期留学した経験があります。今回は、英語の文で主に内容を説明しながら、TOEFL ibtの説明をすりつぶしていきますね。TOEFLは、大学の学部受験だけでなくアメリカやイギリス、その他大学院の受験に際しても必要になる試験です。現在既に受けているという人にとっても再度確認しておいて損はない情報を10個にまとめました。
1. TOEFLとは何なのか
The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is an English test that measures the ability to understand and use English in a university environment. As one of the most recognized English exams in the world, presenting the TOEFL will be ideal for you if your goal is to study abroad, since it will allow you to know your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in An academic level.
2. 3つのTOEFLの受験タイプ
At present there are three types of TOEFL. The TOEFL iBT (Internet Based Test), as the name implies, is the test administered via the Internet, the TOEFL PBT (Paper Based Test) and the TOEFL ITP (Institutional Testing Program). The main difference between the TOEFL iBT and the TOEFL PBT is that the TOEFL iBT measures the ability to read, write, speak and listen in academic English, while the TOEFL PBT focuses on measuring reading, listening, grammar and Writing of the person who presents the exam. It is important to note that the TOEFL PBT can only be taken in countries where there are no TOEFL iBT centers. In Japan, the TOEFL iBT exam is the one that you can present. Although the TOEFL iBT is taught via the Internet, you must take it at an authorized center.
The third type of TOEFL (TOEFL ITP) although it is simpler than the TOEFL iBT, is not an internationally recognized exam. Taking the TOEFL ITP will only be useful if you must present an English language test for an institution in your country. Previously it was possible to present the TOEFL CBT (Computer Based Test), which was administered through a computer, and unlike the TOEFL iBT, did not include the section of oral expression. Currently, the TOEFL CBT is discontinued and can not be taken.
3. TOEFL iBT試験の内容
As the TOEFL iBT is the most widely scrutinized exam, it is unique in that it aims to evaluate how people combine skills in all four skills: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, speaking and writing, to perform tasks Academics.
In the reading comprehension section of the TOEFL iBT you should read between three and four academic passages and answer between 12 and 14 questions per text. These are extracted from university books of different disciplines. Do not worry if you are unfamiliar with all topics, since the exam seeks to know how simple it is for you to look for information in a text, to understand a basic topic and to learn about it.
The listening section comprises recordings between 4 to 6 academic classes, and at the end of these you must answer 6 questions for each class. In addition you will have to listen to 2 to 3 conversations related to subjects of the day to day of the university life, and later you will have to answer 5 questions by conversation.
Once you take a 10-minute break, you'll start the oral expression section. In this section you will have to demonstrate your oral English skills by answering six tasks. The first two are independent tasks where you must answer two questions about familiar topics. The other four tasks are integrated, that is, they combine more than one skill. In tasks 3 and 4 you should read and listen on a topic, and then talk about it. In tasks 5 and 6 you should listen on a topic and then answer a question about what was heard. It is very important to note that in TOEFl iBT the oral expression section is done by means of recordings, but not in person with an examiner.
Finally, you should complete the exam by doing the written expression section. In this you will have to write two essays of approximately 300 words each. The first essay will be related to a passage you should read and a class you will have to listen to; While in the second essay you will have to answer a question expressing your opinion on a topic that is known to you.
→上述しましたが、TOEFL iBTは、4つのセクション(リスニング、リーディング、スピーキング、ライティング)にわかれています。日本人が一番気になるスピーキングテストですが、6つのパートに分かれていて、パソコンに向かってアカデミックな内容の質問に対する応答を行うことになります。また、日本人が二番目に気になるライティングですが、全体で二枚のエッセイを書くことになります。問題文のレベルが高く、自然・動物等の難易度が高い語彙が出る場合があるので、海外のドキュメンタリー番組等も参考にしながらヒアリングでわからないアカデミックな単語は潰しておくと良いと思います。
4. TOEFL iBTのタイムマネジメント
The TOEFL iBT lasts approximately 4 hours. Of these, you will use between 60 and 80 minutes to complete the reading comprehension section. This will depend on the number of passages you need to read, since you will have 20 minutes to read and answer the questions of each reading. In the listening section you will have between 60 and 90 minutes to listen and answer the questions of the classes and conversations that you have to listen to. These last approximately 3 to 5 minutes each. Then you will have 20 minutes to answer the six tasks of the oral expression section. Depending on the question, they will give you 15 to 30 seconds to prepare the answer, and between 45 and 60 seconds to give your answer on the subject. Finally, you will have 50 minutes to write the two essays you are asked for in the written expression section.
→上述した通り、TOEFL iBTの試験は全体で4時間と非常に長い時間パソコンの前に座らされることになります。実際、途中で帰りたくなります、本当です。また、試験時間は、受験者によって異なります。リーディングセクションは60分〜80分、リスニングセクションは60分〜90分、スピーキングセクションは約20分、ライティングセクションは50分です。
5. TOEFL iBTのスコア
The TOEFL iBT measures the level of English proficiency on a scale between 0-120. Each of the sections is measured is an independent scale between 0-30, with 0 being the minimum score and 30 being the maximum score you can get in each section. The total score of the exam, which may be maximum 120, is the sum of the total attained in each section. In relation to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, obtaining an overall TOEFL iBT score of 57-86 is equivalent to having a B1 level of English, ie an intermediate level. A rating between 87-109 is similar to having a B2 level, which is high intermediate. Exam scores between 110-120 are equivalent to C1 level which is a high level.
→TOEFL iBTは、TOEICと違って点数がとても低く出されます。周りに100点を超えている人がいれば、TOEICの900点台以上に相当するといえばわかりやすいかもしれません。TOEFLは、TOEICよりもはるかに難しいため、TOEICで990点を取れてもTOEFLで満点は取れないでしょう。私も初めてibtを受験した時は60点台でした、100点を超えたあたりから点数アップがさらに難しくなります。
6. TOEFLのスコアを採用している機関
As one of the world's most recognized English language test, TOEFL scores are accepted by more than 8,500 educational institutions in 130 countries, including Australia and the United Kingdom.
7. TOEFLスコア証明の受け取れる日
You can review your TOEFL iBT scores online 10-13 days after the test. However, you will receive your physical scores between 4 and 6 weeks after the date you took the TOEFL. It is important to mention that when you are registering for the exam, you can request that your results be sent directly to four educational institutions for free. Your results will be valid for two years from the date you took the test.
8. TOEFLの登録方法
There are four ways to enroll in the TOEFL iBT: online, by phone, by mail or in person. The easiest way to do this is by going to Online registration is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can register for the exam up to 7 days before the date of presentation. The exam can be presented at more than 50 dates per year in 4,500 centers in 165 countries. It is important that you review on the website the different options of dates and cities in your country.
→上述の通り、TOEFL iBTの申し込み方法は、オンライン、電話、メール、直接申し込みの4通りです。オンラインは24時間可能です。TOEICよりも直前に申し込みがまだできるというのも特長ですが、早めに登録しておく方が良いでしょう。
9. TOEFL受験の費用
The TOEFL iBT prices vary depending on the country where you will take the exam. Generally, the cost ranges from US $ 160 to US $ 250. Therefore, it is important to check the price in your country at
10. TOEFLは何度も受けられる?
Although the TOEFL iBT is not approved or tested, if you do not score, you can take the TOEFL as many times as you want. However, you should note that you will not be able to register for the exam more than once in a 12-day period.
→上述した通り、一般的に受けたい時に受けたい回数だけTOEFL iBTは受験可能です、お金があればですが。。
高校時代の偏差値38のビリで元ジャニーズJr.、ナベプロにて俳優活動に従事。Startup起業の立上げ、慶應義塾大学を卒業後、米系コンサル(Deloitte ConsultingのStrategy部署)にてタイ駐在・USA/イスラエルとのスタートアップコミュニティ作りに関わる。ベトナム・タイとの輸出入ビジネスを行う傍ら、コンサルティング事業も行っています。